CEO Message
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KYWA homepage.
* KYWA, Korea Youth Work Agency
BTS (Bangtan Boys), the group who hit No. 1 on the Billboard music chart, sings, “We grow flowers that cannot be bloomed in dreams that cannot be fulfilled. These flowers pretend to be happy even when sad and pretend to be strong even when hurt.”
In the age that can be characterized with the acronym “VUCA”, our youths face the “Volatility” of acceleration, “Uncertainty” of being unpredictable, the “Complexity” of various factors, and the “Ambiguity” that is difficult to distinguish because there is no obvious phenomenon.
The youth pretend to be okay even when they are sad or hurt, or they do not even have time to dream.
The Korea Youth Work Agency will “walk alongside” these youths to prevent them from walking alone and being lonely in an uncertain future.
We will support them to help them learn ways to dream and to reflect on and find humanity on their own.
Moreover, we will actively support the youth to help them grow into talents that possess core competencies to lead the new era of the fourth industrial revolution.
In addition, we will lead institutional innovation so that our employees can feel rewarded and have a sense of duty.
We will continuously strive to make a healthy organizational culture.
We will be a public institution that always communicates with the public citizens, puts all of our efforts into becoming a trusted public institution, and realizes the social values that the youth and their parents can sympathize with and participate in together.
We kindly ask for your support and interest.
Thank you.